Entries by Kevin Geoffrey

Lost Inheritance

Springtime on the Christian liturgical calendar is punctuated by a series of holy days, culminating in Easter—the celebration of the resurrection of Yeshua. Though many of the lesser-known annual events are not universally kept by Christians, the observance of Easter is easily the climax of the calendar. Recognized on a given Sunday every late March […]

God of Promise, Pt. 3

What Is the Good News of Yeshua? (Part 7) Before he died, Abraham found a wife for his son from among the people of his father. He was determined to maintain his line’s distinction while still sojourning in that promised, yet foreign, country. Isaac loved Rebekah, who, like Sarah, had been barren. But Isaac prayed […]

God of Promise, Pt. 2

What Is the Good News of Yeshua? (Part 6) Sealed by the covenant of circumcision, the birth of Isaac marked the beginning of Abraham’s promised line, and the distinction of a set-apart people. Until this time, Abraham had proved himself most malleable—willing to appease the command of both God and wife alike. But now, with […]

God of Promise, Pt. 1

What Is the Good News of Yeshua? (Part 5) Because the descendants of Adam had become earth’s sinful citizens, God destroyed the world. Oath-bound and grief-stricken, the Creator washed away His creation, cleansing it in the waters of a purifying, violent Flood. Yet above that deluge, God lifted up Noah to save a remnant of […]

God of Salvation

What Is the Good News of Yeshua? (Part 4) Adam had brought sin into the world, soiling God’s pristine creation. The misstep of the one man caused death to reign for all—the result of disobedience and self-separation from the Creator. Forced to follow through on His covenantal obligation, God enacted His judgment and barred mankind […]

God of Judgment

What Is the Good News of Yeshua? (Part 3) The foundation of the Good News was laid when the God of creation made the heavens and the earth. He filled the world with life that sprawled across the land, sea and air—beautiful and pristine, it flourished. As His crowning achievement, God created a caretaker for […]

God of Creation

What Is the Good News of Yeshua? (Part 2) The opening words of Scripture, found in Genesis 1:1, speak precisely to the beginning of the message of the Good News. Before the very spreading out of the heavens and the foundation of the earth, there was God, and nothing but God. This fact cannot be […]

What Is the Good News of Yeshua?

Introduction In a world where people’s lives are increasingly separated and isolated by technology, social media and overall self-involved busyness, the traditional means of sharing the Good News (“Gospel”) of Yeshua has become far more challenging. Ever since the advent of the World Wide Web in 1992, and the numerous technologies that have sprung forth […]

Growing Jewish Acceptance of Jesus

A recent exchange on social media highlighted a shifting view of Yeshua/Jesus among the Jewish people—a change that can both encourage us and remind us to be ever-vigilant. As you may know, Linda Sarsour is a first-generation Palestinian-American political activist. Formerly the executive director of the Arab American Association of New York, she was co-chair […]

The First Jewish-American President?

I remember when Senator Joe Lieberman ran as Vice President on the Democratic ticket with Al Gore in 2000. As a Jewish believer in Yeshua, this created a bit of a predicament for me, albeit short-lived. How should I, as a Jew, respond to a potential Jewish vice-presidency? And more specifically, how should I, as […]