Entries by Kevin Geoffrey

Does God Really Have a Son?

The Bible claims that Yeshua is the Son of God, but how can the eternal Creator of the universe—the God of Israel—have a son? In this episode, Kevin explains from a Jewish perspective how the Hebrew Scriptures point to Yeshua as the Son of God, how the New Covenant Scriptures expound on that view, and […]

What Most Every Jewish Person Doesn’t Know

As surprising as it may seem, most Jewish people know very little truth about God, the Bible, and especially the most important Jew of all time: Yeshua. Much of what is taught in Judaism is filtered through extra-biblical, rabbinical writings, as well as centuries of Jewish philosophy and tradition. And sadly, where Yeshua is concerned, […]

God of Commandments, Pt. 3

What Is the Good News of Yeshua? (Part 12) As Moses neared the camp, he began to see and hear the sights and sounds of sin rising from the people. During his forty-seven-day absence while he was on the mountain with God, the people had “sinned a great sin” (32:30), having “turned aside quickly from […]

God of Commandments, Pt. 2

What Is the Good News of Yeshua? (Part 11) To their newly stated national definition, thirsty, hungry, and temperamental Israel was instantly resolute in her response: “All that Adonai has spoken we will do” (Exodus 19:8). And with that resounding, unalterable voice of conviction and commitment, the people consecrated and washed themselves, complied with the […]

The Jewish People: Irrefutable Proof of God

Can we prove that the God of the Bible actually exists? Is there something that we can touch or see or comprehend—the reality of which will prove the existence of God? In this powerful episode, Kevin offers what he believes is tangible, quantifiable, objectively observable evidence that the God of Israel is real.

God of Commandments, Pt. 1

What Is the Good News of Yeshua? (Part 10) The Creator of the universe had been long at work to restore mankind from their self-induced separation from Him. Having chosen a people through whom He would make that Way, God set the sons of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob on their promised path. The following four-century […]


Israel Under Attack

With the recent war in Israel, the clash between Arabs and Jews in the region is once again a hot button issue. While many onlookers on both sides continue to rail against one another, this time, the conflict has also spilled over into cities around the world, with anti-Semitic rhetoric and violence ticking up to […]

God of Deliverance, Pt. 2

What Is the Good News of Yeshua? (Part 9) While Moses, having fled Egypt, came to dwell in the land to the east, God still heard the cries of Israel, and did not forget His covenant people (Exodus 2:23-24). After forty more years, when Moses was eighty (Acts 7:30), he was out, as usual, shepherding […]

Why I Say “Yeshua” Not “Jesus”

As a Jewish Messiah-follower, Kevin explores his two main reasons why he calls the Master “Yeshua,” rather than “Jesus.” This episode traces the Messiah’s name through Hebrew, Greek, Latin and English (visually illustrated in the video version), then explains the importance of preserving its meaning—and the impact it can have—both for believers in general, and […]

God of Deliverance, Pt. 1

What Is the Good News of Yeshua? (Part 8) Having dispersed Noah’s descendants to form a world of nations, God continued His reconciling work through obscure, unremarkable Abraham. God covenanted with Abraham that He would make him into a great nation, give him a great name, and make him a blessing to all the families […]