It is an accusation as old as Christianity itself: “The Jews killed Jesus.” Throughout the centuries, many self-proclaimed Christians have joined or led the fight against the Jewish people, charging them with deicide—the murder of God. In their eyes, this unforgivable crime committed by Jews of antiquity demonstrates the inherent wickedness of the entire race, leaving them and their descendants forever cursed as “Christ-killers.” In today’s increasingly anti-Jewish climate, a growing number of believers are once again espousing this allegation, claiming that the Bible undeniably testifies that the Jews are responsible for Yeshua’s death. But Scripture doesn’t actually support this teaching… does it?

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In this series, we have traced Protestant anti-Jewish sentiments from their source at the Reformation down through the centuries, exploring the damage they have caused. This concluding article examines how these same beliefs still manifest today, and how we as followers of Messiah must take action to heal the ancient wounds of anti-Jewish sentiment.

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It might come as a surprise, but most Jewish people actually know very little about the Bible. Today’s Jewish people have grown increasingly secular and humanistic, with no standard frame of reference where it comes to spiritual or religious topics. But despite the vast differences in beliefs among Jews, one thing you can almost always count on is that Jewish people are highly unlikely to know is the truth about the most important Jew who ever lived: Yeshua. In this episode, Kevin discusses five biblical facts that most every Jewish doesn’t know—but needs to—in order to learn the truth about the true, Jewish Messiah.

As we saw in the first two parts of this series, the anti-Jewish and anti-Semitic teachings of Protestantism began with the Reformers of the 1500s, and continued to grow and develop in the centuries that followed. Then, during the twentieth century, the anti-Semitism of previous generations came to a head, showing itself fully at the zenith of Jewish persecution: the Holocaust.

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In the previous article in this series, we briefly discussed the anti-Jewish history of Ancient Christianity and Cath­olicism, and then looked at the abhorrent anti-Semitism of Martin Luther, the first Protestant Reformer. Had Luther been the only anti-Jewish Protestant, little concern would be warranted; however, Luther was merely the first of many.

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Since biblical times, discord between Jews and Gentiles has plagued the Body of Messiah. In his letter to the Romans, Paul wrote extensively on the issue, humbling Jews by telling them that they are not better than Gentiles (3:9), and humbling Gentiles by telling them to not boast over Jews (11:17–21). Gentiles are not even to boast over unbelieving Jews, Paul explained, because “regarding the chosenness, [Jews] are beloved on account of the fathers,” called with an irrevocable call which God will not regret (11:28-29, mjlt). Indeed, though many Jews today reject their Messiah, they can still “be grafted [back] into their own olive tree,” and one day “all Yis’rael will be saved” (11:24–26, mjlt).

Despite Paul’s teaching, however, the same division has grown, such that both anti-Semitism (racist contempt for Jews) and anti-Jewish sentiment (intellectual or theological bias against Jews) have continued to pervade Christianity throughout its history.

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In the shadow of the modern-day Holocaust that was Oc­tober 7, 2023—when Palestinians from Gaza slaughtered, raped, mutilated and kidnapped 1400 Israeli men, women and children—Jews worldwide are facing an onslaught of anti-Jewish propaganda, which claims that the Palestinians were justified in carrying out such inhumane, immoral and evil atrocities. So pervasive is this disinformation that even many liberal Jews and Christians maintain that the Palestinians are merely fighting for their freedom from the State of Israel’s oppressive apartheid—that the Palestinians are the true victims. But is the propaganda true?

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What Is the Good News of Yeshua? (Part 24)

The people stood in astonishment and fear, having witnessed the terrifying spectacle. Still suspended above them was the lifeless body of their executed King, and before them, the aftermath of His violent and dramatic end. Some who had been watching were immediately filled with remorse and regret—their eyes opened to the atrocity that had just been perpetrated. Even as the people realized their grave mistake, saying, “Truly, this was God’s Son” (Matthew 27:54), a soldier pierced Yeshua’s side, and blood and water spilled out from His body upon the ground (John 19:34). The people returned home beating their chests in grief (Luke 23:48). The Son of God was dead.

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The Bible says that Yeshua is coming back quickly (Rev. 4:11)—but apparently not as we count quickness. The Bible also says that there will be signs forecasting His return—yet it will still be unexpected (Mat. 24:44). So the question is: does this soon, unexpected return mean that His coming is imminent? At this time right now in world history, could Yeshua’s return happen at any moment? Read more

Apples and honey. Rituals and recitations. Lulavs and etrogs. The traditions of the Fall holy days appear to provide great fullness to the season. For many, it is a rich cultural experience—deeply immersing, and spiritually profound. A practical cornucopia of memories, lessons, and opportunities to learn about the Messiah…

Or is it?

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