




...will be saved.

(Romans 11:26, mjlt)

a Perfect Word Ministry

Restoring the biblical Yeshua to the

Jewish people for the salvation of the world



...and so all

...will be saved.

(Romans 11:26, mjlt)

a Perfect Word Ministry

Restoring the Biblical Yeshua

to the Jewish people

for the salvation of the world

Restoring the biblical Yeshua to the Jewish people for the salvation of the world

Our Goal

is to facilitate the restoration of all Jewish people everywhere to their singular identity, calling and purpose as Israel, in the Messiah Yeshua, according to the Scriptures.

Our Vision

is to champion the Scriptures to Jewish believers, to teach Christians how to connect biblically with Jews, and to engage Jewish seekers with the Yeshua of the Scriptures.

We Value

the Scriptures—from the Torah to the New Covenant Writings—above all religions and traditions of man, not to disesteem those traditions, but to elevate the perfect word of God.


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Unceasing Pain in My Heart

One Year Since October 7 October 7 was supposed to be a nice day. It was supposed to be a day for concluding the Feast of Sukkot, resting for Shabbat, and enjoying a day with…

What Does It Mean to Be the Messiah?

Hundreds of times in the New Covenant Scriptures, Yeshua is called “the Messiah.” Yet all too often, we fail to recognize the magnitude of this defining title. We know who the…

Light to the Nations

And now the Lord says, he who formed me from the womb to be his servant…—for I am honored in the eyes of the Lord, and my God has become my strength—he says: “It is too light…

Are Jews “Christ-Killers”?

It is an accusation as old as Christianity itself: “The Jews killed Jesus.” Throughout the centuries, many self-proclaimed Christians have joined or led the fight against the Jewish…

Anti-Jewish Sentiment in Protestant Christianity (Pt. 4 of 4)

In this series, we have traced Protestant anti-Jewish sentiments from their source at the Reformation down through the centuries, exploring the damage they have caused. This concluding…

Anti-Jewish Sentiment in Protestant Christianity (Pt. 3 of 4)

As we saw in the first two parts of this series, the anti-Jewish and anti-Semitic teachings of Protestantism began with the Reformers of the 1500s, and continued to grow and develop…

Anti-Jewish Sentiment in Protestant Christianity (Pt. 2 of 4)

In the previous article in this series, we briefly discussed the anti-Jewish history of Ancient Christianity and Cath­olicism, and then looked at the abhorrent anti-Semitism of Martin…

Anti-Jewish Sentiment in Protestant Christianity (Pt. 1 of 4)

Since biblical times, discord between Jews and Gentiles has plagued the Body of Messiah. In his letter to the Romans, Paul wrote extensively on the issue, humbling Jews by telling…

Is Israel an Apartheid State?

In the shadow of the modern-day Holocaust that was Oc­tober 7, 2023—when Palestinians from Gaza slaughtered, raped, mutilated and kidnapped 1400 Israeli men, women and children—Jews…

Unceasing Pain in My Heart

One Year Since October 7 October 7 was supposed to be a nice day. It was supposed to be a day for concluding the Feast of Sukkot, resting for Shabbat, and enjoying a day with…

What Does It Mean to Be the Messiah?

Hundreds of times in the New Covenant Scriptures, Yeshua is called “the Messiah.” Yet all too often, we fail to recognize the magnitude of this defining title. We know who the…

Light to the Nations

And now the Lord says, he who formed me from the womb to be his servant…—for I am honored in the eyes of the Lord, and my God has become my strength—he says: “It is too light…

Are Jews “Christ-Killers”?

It is an accusation as old as Christianity itself: “The Jews killed Jesus.” Throughout the centuries, many self-proclaimed Christians have joined or led the fight against the Jewish…

Anti-Jewish Sentiment in Protestant Christianity (Pt. 4 of 4)

In this series, we have traced Protestant anti-Jewish sentiments from their source at the Reformation down through the centuries, exploring the damage they have caused. This concluding…

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<strong>Kevin Geoffrey</strong>

Kevin Geoffrey


שלום, Shalom! My name is Kevin, and I’m a father, a husband, and a Jewish disciple of the Messiah Yeshua! I am also the president of MJMI and founder of Perfect Word Ministries. MJMI’s heart is for restoring the biblical Yeshua to the Jewish people for the salvation of the world. We aim to persuade Jewish believers to esteem Scripture over religion, to educate Christians to have a sense of urgency for Jewish people to know the Messiah, and to engage with Jewish seekers who are curious and serious about finding the true Yeshua!

Learn more about MJMI.

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